Mamma Mia!
What a brilliant concert by ABBA Sensations on Friday 23 July ..And there were plenty of Dancing Queens too.. Thank you ABBA Sensations & thank you to everybody who came along.
What a brilliant concert by ABBA Sensations on Friday 23 July ..And there were plenty of Dancing Queens too.. Thank you ABBA Sensations & thank you to everybody who came along.
Flash Harry, the ultimate Freddie Mercury & Queen tribute band, come to Comber.
Getting ready for a busy day planting and weeding tomorrow. If you are coming please bring along any trowels or forks you may have. 10am Glen Link Colour Comber.
* She’s a wonderful neighbour, or a loving childminder or maybe has spent her life fundraising for charity.? * Start thinking about a woman either in an organisation or in the neighbourhood or at home. – She inspires others or Read more…
John spent the morning with three Queens; the reigning Queen, the Queen Mum, and the first ever Queen! CRCP expresses their thanks to John Minnis Estate Agents for sponsoring this years Festival Queen. John Minnis.
Campbell College honours Edmund De Wind VC at reception with members of De Wind family and Comber’s De Wind VC Committee. #EdmundDeWind#
At noon on Wednesday 21 March, Ards and North Down Borough Council will be unveiling a memorial stone marking 100 years since Second Lieutenant Edmund De Wind’s actions leading to the posthumous award of the Victoria Cross. The memorial stone Read more…
Wednesday 21st March 2018 Unveiling of Memorial Stone to Edmund De Wind VC in Comber Square. Civic Ceremony …12 Noon. Join us in the Square and be part of this special day as Comber remembers its WW1 hero. #EdmundDeWind#Combersquare#
“Vision for Comber” Sat 10th March 2018 CRCP members spent time at a workshop facilitated by Lisa Campbell, sharing their ideas for the ongoing regeneration of Comber #watchthisspace #visionforcomber
Launch of Edmund DeWind exhibition in Comber Library. Pop along and read about Comber’s WW1 hero. Exhibition there until end of March.