A new Comber Queen!
Congratulations to our new Comber Earlies Festival Queen Eleanor Clarke. Enjoy a fun year!
Congratulations to our new Comber Earlies Festival Queen Eleanor Clarke. Enjoy a fun year!
Get on your dancing shoes Fred & Ginger!! Tickets £5… Contact Irene 07484 641307or Liz 07767 270860
An inspirational evening of food & new flavours with Jenny Bristow. A few tickets left £10….. Wed June 14, 7.30pm in 1st Comber Presby Church Hall. Contact Liz 07767 270860 or Irene 07984 641307…Hurry!!
“Comber Earlies Festival Queen”……. Time to get application forms filled in. To be returned by 26th May. Application forms in Library, Post Office, Livingstones newsagent.
Our Comber star, Clare McAuley from Floral Creations with her entry “The Pheonix” at Chelsea Show Young Florist Competition. Comber is so proud of you.
The Mayor has been checking out the Potty Potato competition at Alexander Dickson Pm School. Big competition amongst all the Pm Schools.. Who will have the heaviest crop of Comber Earlies? To be judged at the Festival.
And here is our special Queen of Hearts, Eveline Carlisle at Comber Farmers Market. Doesn’t she look fabulous!
Great turn out at Comber Clean up. Special thanks to Coaches & members of Comber Boxing Club, 1st Comber Scouts & representatives from Comber Methodist Church for helping us too.
If you enjoy gardening come to Glen Link Sat 29th th April 10am, & help us plant scrubs in the cleared area behind wall. Bring a spade or fork! Further info contact Roy 07745389561