Hear all about the Spies at Gilnahirk
George Busby, author of ‘The Spies of Gilnahirk’, tells the story of the secret wireless station in the Castlereagh Hills and the role of Northern Ireland’s network of covert workers in WW2 at a lecture on Mon 19th June 8.0pm, Comber Rifle Club. Tickets £5. Contact Irene 07484 029811; Liz Read more…
And its Hugo!!
Hugo’s back live from Comber Square on Thurs 15th June. Fun starts at 9am, craft, food to taste, lots more to do. Chat with Hugo too!
New Queen on the run!
Our new Festival Queen, Eleanor Clarke, gets Festival Parkrun underway.!
How well do you know Comber?
Who lived here in Comber? Join our walking tour on Tues 13 June 7.0pm & hear more about your town from Robert Bennett. Interested?? Let us know if you’re going.. Irene 07984 641307 or Liz 07767270860 or Roy 07745 389561
A new Comber Queen!
Congratulations to our new Comber Earlies Festival Queen Eleanor Clarke. Enjoy a fun year!
Fred and Ginger time!
Get on your dancing shoes Fred & Ginger!! Tickets £5… Contact Irene 07484 641307or Liz 07767 270860
TV Chef Jenny Bristow at Fringe Festival
An inspirational evening of food & new flavours with Jenny Bristow. A few tickets left £10….. Wed June 14, 7.30pm in 1st Comber Presby Church Hall. Contact Liz 07767 270860 or Irene 07984 641307…Hurry!!
Get Festival Queen Nomination in
“Comber Earlies Festival Queen”……. Time to get application forms filled in. To be returned by 26th May. Application forms in Library, Post Office, Livingstones newsagent.
Comber Young Florist at Chelsea Flower show
Our Comber star, Clare McAuley from Floral Creations with her entry “The Pheonix” at Chelsea Show Young Florist Competition. Comber is so proud of you.