Vision for Comber
“Vision for Comber” Sat 10th March 2018 CRCP members spent time at a workshop facilitated by Lisa Campbell, sharing their ideas for the ongoing regeneration of Comber #watchthisspace #visionforcomber
“Vision for Comber” Sat 10th March 2018 CRCP members spent time at a workshop facilitated by Lisa Campbell, sharing their ideas for the ongoing regeneration of Comber #watchthisspace #visionforcomber
Launch of Edmund DeWind exhibition in Comber Library. Pop along and read about Comber’s WW1 hero. Exhibition there until end of March.
Exhibition launch Fri 9 March 2pm To mark the 100th Anniversary of the death of Comber’s Victoria Cross winner, Edmund De Wind, North Down Museum are launching an exhibition at Comber Library, Looking at his life and tragic death. Second Lieutenant Edmund De Wind was killed in action on 21st Read more…
Philip Smith, chairman of CRCP presents Mike Moore with a specially commissioned piece of glass made by Irene McBride, Discovery Glass to mark his 15 years of dedicated committment to Comber.
Mike Moore….Thankyou for your voluntary committment and service to Comber Regeneration Community Partnership.
Once upon a time the Red Geranium family moved to their new home in Comber. They lived happily in CRCP terrace opposite Supervalu. Sadly Mum & Dad Geranium are now very distressed because they have lost 13 of their children. They have been snatched from their home & a big Read more…
💥💥 An electrifyng evening promised💥💥 Comber Square. Fri 18th August 5-9pm Sensational BMX stunt show performances, AND lots of stalls, hot food to sample, prizes to be won, & lots more
😎😎😎Lots to DO & SEE in Comber Square & St Mary’s car Park. FRI 18TH AUG 5-9pm😎😎 OVER 23 stalls including Forthill Farm burgers , hot dogs, beef & lamb Dinky Donuts, Granny Shaws Fudge, Sir Ted ‘a’ Lot Toys, Europarts BMX Bikes, Crispstix Crisps on a stick, Painted Pots, Read more…
Thrilling Thunder Action in Comber Square, Fri 18th August 5.0 – 9.0 pm BMX Taster master classes ( 8yrs +), Free Event
Great afternoon in Comber Square with Lily of the Valley Accordian Band. Thanks to all who came along and supported CRCP who promoted this event. Pity rain stopped play . Always next year though.