Previous Projects

Prior to the reform of CRCP in 2013 some of the more notable activities of the original company (CRL) included work on the following projects:
Despite devoting much time and effort to these projects not all were successful. The message emerging is that work on some regeneration projects can be a frustrating and protracted process.
Comber Town Strategy
A detailed report prepared in May 2005 for Ards Borough Council and Comber Regeneration Ltd by GVA Grimley. This was a “Road Map” which presented a comprehensive 10 year integrated development strategy for the Town. Generally there was some success with implementing the development opportunities identified. Probably the greatest success is the implementation of the public realm scheme which is currently under construction. Most of the opportunity sites have also been developed.
Proposals for Comber Square
In May 2007 working with the Council and Consultants, Scott Wilson Landscape Architects, to produce an outline design scheme for the Square combining traffic management improvements. A great deal of work went into this project but unfortunately due to excessive delay and less than wholehearted support from the public the offer of funding from Government was lost. The project was abandoned in favour of minor improvement works.
Improvement of Castle Street Comber
A report dated 2009 for a Public Realm Improvement Scheme in Castle Street. This report was prepared by Directors of CRL. It was circulated widely to elected representatives and officers of the Council as well as Government Departments. Despite several years of frustrating delay we believe that together with the 2005 Comber Town Strategy it was instrumental in influencing the case made for the much larger Public Realm Improvement Scheme currently being implemented in the Town Centre.
Purchase of properties in Castle Street
In 2004 with the temporary introduction of Urban Development Grants (UDG) in Comber, CRL prepared applications for grant and attempted to purchase a number of properties in need of refurbishment or rebuilding. However due to the unrealistic ceiling on values controlled by Government it was found impossible to successfully complete any acquisitions.
Consultation with DSD
In 2004 CRL was invited to offer its views on how to improve Governments approach to Town Centre Regeneration. Our previous experience of applying for Urban Development Grants and our dealings with Government had been frequently problematic. As a result CRL, together with others, was able to make a positive contribution to this study and some long needed changes and improvements to Government Policy and practice subsequently emerged.
Lobbying and helping other stakeholders
During several years from 2005 onwards CRL assisted several notable stakeholders and lobbied on their behalf. These included Adele Properties Ltd from Coleraine which submitted plans for a comprehensive mixed development scheme for the former Air Step Factory. Once again, due to long delays and the eventual financial crisis of 2007, Bank funding was no longer available and the scheme foundered.
Records also show that CRL consulted with Sustrans about Comber Greenway and with the Council about the possible extension of other pedestrian walkways around Comber. Representations were also made to MLAs about the poor state of Comber Health Centre. It was gratifying to see that a substantial refurbishment scheme was eventually carried out.